Wednesday, February 29, 2012


well Blair has to have eye drops put in every six hours because this chemo is known to cause terrible eye irritation. Of course this is not a pleasant thing for a five year old or his mother. However thank God he is doing really well so far. The doctor said with this type of chemo he could already have a head to toe rash and fever, along with respitory problems. So far Blair has escaped all of that save for the tiny rash on his right cheek. Keep praying because he could get really sick due to the intensity of this chemo.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We are here to stay for awhile he is getting his first round of chemo. His counts were great today! His ANC was over 4,000 what a wonderful way to start this last leg in our journey. Thank God for many blessings he has blessed our family.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Blair's been dealing with a sore throat and runny nose and his ANC is only 1095 but amazingly he hasn't gotten a fever. If his ANC stays above 750 he'll still be on track for chemo and admission on the 28th. Keep praying for him because this is strong chemo and he could get really sick. I'm trusting God to bring us through, He doesn't start a miracle and not finish it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Blair was sick on Tuesday and we were pretty depressed. We didn't know if it was the chemo or what. But then the next day Blair was bouncing around like nothing happened. We came to the conclusion he had the 24 hour flu. I thank God he got it now rather than when his counts will be really low however I wrote this poem when he was sick and puking.

I'm so scared about Blair's fate
will the chemo work or stay and wait

to attack his body another day
these are the thoughts that won't go away

I tell the Lord oh why not me
My child suffering I can't bare to see

I'm really a coward if truth be told
It could have been worse not just a cold

He could have suffered the entire time through
instead he's an example of what God can do

He shielded us from what could have been
instead of being grateful I'm assuming its the end

the enemy has me focused on my current plight
the night before the dawn, dark before the light

But God reminds me He has a plan
My son is cupped in the palm of His hand

So you see it doesn't do to fret and worry
God wants Blair but He's not in a hurry

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Lord how do I express how I feel
without being dramatic making a big deal

Blair has leukemia yes we all know
But instead of getting weaker his heart began to grow

The doctor said its unusual and I'm sure thats probably true
But in Blair's case God touched him and healed him clear through

I'm amazed how good Blair's done
He loves the poke box and thinks the clinics fun

He never fusses because of early appointments
Doc says he's resilient I know it's divine anointment

I don't know when we got to this place
When all we see are miracles Gods precious grace

What I'm certain of without a doubt
is being a Christian before, during and after tragedy that's what its all about.

Blair is scheduled for his final round of chemo February 28th. This chemo will be the strongest yet so we have to get admitted that day for an entire month.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Blair starts chemo tomorrow and finishes Wednesday. We thought it would be later in the month but because he's doing so well they changed his plan around. The chemo he's getting isn't as strong as the last one so his counts shouldn't go down too much. The doctor is trying to do this round outpatient as well so we'll just have to wait and see.

Pray for safe traveling mercies tomorrow and all goes well with chemo!