Friday, March 23, 2012


Blair is sooo cute! He's been walking around the yard with his baseball cap on, to cover his bald head, and his beebe gun shooting boxes with his dad. He looks like Elmer Fud. We are truly excited to be home.

What Can we do without God?

How can I breathe in and out?
How can I laugh, cry, scream and shout?

How can I see the big green trees
pick the beautiful flowers, hear the buzzing bees?

How can I go from here to there
do the laundry, brush my hair?

How can I get through a tiring day
when there's still work to do, bills to pay?

It's easy to forget Who holds the key
Who's really in charge of both you and me

Whether sinner or saint
God has your number no matter what picture you paint

So before you put on your shoes for the day
Take a moment to stop and pray

Remember the reason why you can
Breathe in and out again and again

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